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JR Line and Subway
Tokyo Subway and Train System
Most of the main wards are quickly accessible by subway or train. The JR trains are similar to the Metra trains in Chicago, as they branch out further away from downtown (Ginza). The subway lines are quite expansive, however: you might find that you can get everywhere you need via the underground.

We did not ride the monorail - more detail on this after our next trip. It appears that the monorail serves the southern part of the city, near Tokyo Disney.
When entering the station, use your PASMO card (see PASMO topic) to get access to the desired platform. There will be directions within the platform area, which give details as to where the train is headed.
You won't see East or West .. you'll see Daimon or Shinbuya, for example. Refer to the subway or train map to verify which train you need to board.
Once aboard the train, there are digital signs which show the current and next station - these are very helpful.

Most subway stations have bathrooms in them - very handy for those long day trips, when going from ward to ward.
Avoid riding the trains during rush hour (7:30am-9:30am); some of the rail lines can get extremely packed with riders at this time. Also be careful of "women only" train cars, which are typical during rush hour.
Train etiquitte: Do not talk on your cell phone, avoid loud conversation. Keep iPods, etc at a low volume. Avoid standing in the door which is opening at the next station. During our last stay, all train riders were incredibly disciplined in this respect.
Some of the train stations are as large as an average airport terminal! For this reason, it is key to figure out which exit to take, ahead of time.
The most important thing to remember is that the trains stop running aroung midnight. So if you are not able to catch a train, you'll need to find a cab.

More References for Tokyo
Park Hotel
JR East Trains