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One of the best things about Tokyo is that there is no tipping. The Japanese believe that they are already being paid to do services as expected, and frown upon tipping. Cab drivers will go out of their way to make change for you, down to the single Yen if needed.
When presenting payment or credit card, it is important to hold the card or bills with two hands, and then place the payment in the tray typically brought forward.
Most informal restaurants accept payment at a cash register, near the exit.
When selecting a restaurant, we'd recommend skipping the Western-Style restaurants, unless you have a craving for something in particular. For the best value, and experience, we recommend the eateries frequented by the local folks.
Note that most local restaurants will not give you napkins with your meal - most provide a hot towelto be used after you've eaten.
Some ideas:
Tsukiji Fishmarket - When exiting the market, north west of the warehouse, you should stumble upon several sushi joints.
Ginza / Hibiya - Go towards the JR train tracks, you'll see a wide selection of eateries underneath the tracks.
Ginza - Also in Ginza is the Sapporo Lion Beer Hall. This is THE PLACE to have Sapporo on tap. Decor is 1800's (Bavarian?), worth the trip alone.
Be careful when you order food, however, as there is an American menu and a local menu (attached to the beer menu). We sampled the breaded seafood balls .. odd-looking but delicious! For one entree and three beers, the total was 3100 Yen. This place is located about three blocks south east of the Sony building.
Nakano / Shinjuko / Shibuya - Tokyo has many 'AutoMat' style counters, where you select a dish from a picture or display, and then put coins in a machine to get the matching ticket. Present the ticket to the cook behind the counter, and your meal will appear in less than 5 minutes. A main dish with miso soup and tea is typically 550 Yen (less then $7 USD)!

Above: An egg over chicken with rice, at an eatery in Shinjuku.

Above: A curry dish from an eatery just east of Nakano.

Above: Freshness Burger

Above: A One-Coin (500 yen) eatery in Nakano
Handy phrases:
I'd like a glass of saki
lee-shu ipp-ay onegai shimasu.
I'd like a bottle of beer
bieru ii-hon onegai shimasu.
More References for Tokyo
Park Hotel
JR East Trains