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Sheik's Palace Royale
115 S 4th

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Detail for Sheik's Palace Royale : Restaurant, Gentleman's / Bar
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I've been an active customer of this establishment for 15 years. Since about the fall of 2004, this place has seriously taken a dive for the worst. I can't imagine why SPR's management didn't want to stay. The entertainers are constantly changing-like going to mcdonalds. Might I add, of the 15 years, 10 have been vip status. - Daryl S, 08/03/2006
to make a long story short, don't EVER EVER go to Sheik's. Their main goal is to rip you off. And, if you do go, do NOT use a credit card. ONLY pay cash. Just do yourself a favor and go somewhere else. They are THUGS there. - i'll never go back!, 08/30/2011
To the "professional sports player"......what was the stage name of the dancer who had you kicked out? Same thing happened to me! - same thing happened!, 06/02/2011
Guys don't go here and if you make the mistake to go to this club stay away from a dancer called "Raquel" she is a scam artist and a thief!!!!!! - ROBBED, 04/22/2011
This place only cares about how much money they can ROB from you!!! They overcharged me 300.00 GO ANYWHERE BUT HERE!!! THIS PLACE IS A RIP OFF!!!!!! - HHH, 03/23/2011
DANCERS ROB YOU!!!!! Guys don't ever go here, i was in town the weekend of march 18 & 19th 2011 i got this dance from this girl "Raquel" i know it was not her real name bust that's what she called herself. We agreed to a 1/2 dance for 160.00, i wasn't watching my time and she said "well it's been a hour and ten minutes and i need another 280.00." I was thinking for what??? I didn't wanna cause a problem so i paid her anyways. But she pretty much rob me and took advantage of me and took me to the cleaners!! Guys DO NOT GO TO SHEIKS!!!!! The dancers rob you!!! It's not worth it go anywhere but here!!! From Hard lesson learned. - Lesson learned, 03/20/2011
Asked for a 160 dollar dance and when i was done Raquel charged me 560.00 don't go there they will rob you!!!! - Ryan, 03/19/2011
I swear to God they put somthing in my drink. I got rolled. I Vaguely remember getting walked back and forth to the ATM and then at 11pm they hit me at the bar for $145 then one hour later for $240 (found the receipts) had to cancel my card in fear that they would double charge. I have never seen anything like it. I think the got me for around $650 in just a couple of hours. Stay away! - KTM Driver, 12/14/2010
Im a professional sports player & I recently use to be a frequent customer at Shieks & spent a lot of Money there. Met a Dancer there & & had relations w/ her outside the club ( wich by the way is strictly prohibited for the dancers). But when I came back to sprnd money with the other girls the dancer I had relations with got mad & got me kicked out of the club. By regulations of the club she should have been fired, but no they want there money & if they can continue to Pimp theier dancers they will. & most of the girls are ugly & its way too expensive! My advice , DONT GO TO THIS ESTABLISHMENT! - That guy, 12/24/2010
I'm your average guy, looking to go out and have a good time. Last night, I had a friend from Iowa come to town and we visited the local gentleman's clubs. I wanted to show my friend a good time and ended up at Sheik's....BAD IDEA!! I bought bottle service and two dancers for my friends. As soon as I signed my life away on the credit card, some dancer had the nerve to tell me she just got done dancing with my friend and I owed her money. After I refused, she told me she was going to get her manager and my response was...."please do!" Her manager was a tool too!! After spending $500, I felt like I was your average joe! They didn't treat me any differenent and tried getting every dollar they could off me. This place is a JOKE!! DO NOT GO HERE!! WILL POST ON FACEBOOK AND MYSPACE TO ENSURE NO ONE LOSES THE MONEY I DID - DO NOT GO, 12/31/2010
Rented a Limo for friend's birthday. 5 of us got in w/out having to pay door charge. We all had a great time. The dancers were fun & pretty and the waitress was gorgeous. This was around Halloween 2009 time frame. - DukeM, 04/09/2010
I went there for the 93x costume contest and was extremely disappointed. I only found a few of the dancers attractive and the ugly ones wouldnt leave me alone!! Plus the costume contest was a joke. Probably wont go back again - boring, 10/31/2009
This place is a joke. They tak advantage of drunk people at any cost. They dont care they just want to make a few dollars. I was there for less than 2 hours and the next day i was charged over 3000 dollars. There is no way that could have happened. Dont give them any cards! Only Cash! - Twins Fan, 10/07/2009
Shiek's is great. Hot women, very classy atmosphere, and a good time. But you need to realize that everybody in the joint is trying to take your money. Waitresses are trying to upsell you, dancers are DEFINITElY trying to sell drinks and bottles of alcohol, and everybody is there to uptick that price. I agree with the other poster, that you should NEVER EVER EVER give them your credit card. They will take you to the cleaners. I don't think I'm telling anybody something they don't know cuz this joint is designed to make money. But they will clean you out if you let them. Take cash with you, and protect it. My first time there was fun, I gave them my credit card, and I paid dearly. She was fun, but WOW they used every angle to clean me out. - Taken, 08/29/2009
i worked at this club for years has a dancer they had fired me for know reason i was a money maker for them the mangers suck and the club is a rip off with the prices they want the gentelmans to pay don't ever go there the girls are hood and not classy like they ysed to be they should bring julian back at least he knew how to keep the place right talking from someone who knows forget that place guys - you'll never know, 07/07/2009
I was impressed. If this is a 'dive' when compared to 2004 - I wish I had come then. Eye Candy everywhere. One complaint is that the stage was relatively dull. There were ladies dancing - but it wasn't exciting or enticing. They were just there, detached - hoping to be down soon. I succumbed to a tall blonde (Hailey?) for a 1/2 hr private dance. Ver expensive, but worth it. My only regret is that I really didn't have the money to spend. However, when I go visit Hailey again - I'll be sure to bring a lot of cash. - DeaconJones, 08/21/2009
LOVED IT!!! second time for me at strip club,first for hubby.Met a hot,tall,leggy brunette,she worked last night(wed)will come see her again(but not the red head!)Cant wait for party on sat!!!!! - honeymooners(20yrs), 10/23/2008
This place is a blast. I had a great time and the chicks are smokin. Also if you want them on ur nuts bring some dank chronic cuz they love that sticky icky. - Dr.Juice, 10/15/2008
Got wasted. Spent two hours with same gal. Next thing I know, they hand me a bill for $1,500. Lesson learned. Don't do business with crooks. - BendOver, 07/23/2008
I worked at sheik's and I did have a great time. The girls are anal but overall I really enjoy myself. - KrysB, 01/07/2008
I went there Monday night and had great time. The women walk around in evening wear/night gowns. More classy than most clubs I have been to. I will definitely be a customer for a long time. - Hapkido69, 09/13/2007
Sheiks was a great place to visit (5+ years ago!) The entertainment has gone from superb to satisfactory. A lot of $$$ has always been a neccesity here, but ten years ago, you got what you paid for. - guest of 25 years, 04/10/2007
the place recently changed hands. the place is a rip off! stay away!!! the waitress tries to get you buy things & the dancers the same & the "male floor/managers walkers" get girls to approach you & then report back to them! the place has gone down hill! try ricks which is close by -- better prices & the girls look good too! - bradpitt, 03/21/2007
the place recently changed hands. the place is a rip off! stay away!!! the waitress tries to get you buy things & the dancers the same & the "male floor/managers walkers" get girls to approach you & then report back to them! the place has gone down hill! try ricks which is close by -- better prices & the girls look good too! - bradpitt, 03/21/2007
I'll admit, my buddies and I had a friggin blast and the ladies were hot- but I got rolled by the management. I was plastered and will admit I CAN NOT prove it, but they ran two identical charges for $520.00 and $530.00, so I paid double, $1050.00. ( I had receipts for both, but the charges came through twice; exact amounts to the penny, management claims the charges are legit). I had all of the receipts, including the ATM withdrawals, but they probably figured I was too drunk to know or prove it. They were right. My advice reguardless of what club you go to, don't bring credit or debit cards with you. Take about a grand or whatever you feel like spending, and have a great time. - a sucker, 12/15/2006
this place is a rip off. they advertise all kinds of deals and they upcharge you once you are in the door. a dancer put a red bull on my tab! the ATM charges you $7, it's not worth it. there are a lot hotter girls in different clubs. - blake, 10/04/2006
I've been going here for 15 years. The place has always been classy and expensive, but you get what you pay for. If your looking for great looking women and don't mind spending 20 a dance and $7 a beer, this is the place to be. If your looking to have an average looking women stick them in your face, go somewhere else. - Ass Matt, 04/01/2005
If you are cheap, don't go here. Fill up your wallet with greenbacks if you don't want to pay tax on your dances, bring cash. If they put it on a credit card you pay a 10% extra fee and tax. The up-side is, the women are fantastic. There a lot of different flavors to chose from. They were all extremely friendly, some especially...and this is good. You will wish you brought more cash. By the way...I went on a Monday night. - gnoroks, 09/23/2003
The women were good looking but for the last two hours that I was there I wasn't approached by a single one of them. I left with 2/3 of the money that I intended to spend. - bored, 07/18/2003
I went into Sheiks to find out about a job. I was impressed with the enviromen, and the other employees were nice to me (aside from the snotty cashier). Over all, i figured i could work at a place like this. - Ladybug, 07/10/2003
I was extremely disappointed by my Sheik's experience. The girls were totally insincere hustlers! I know they're tyring to make a buck but they could at least pretend to be interested. I had a girl bug me for a $20.00 dance and then tell me she did 2 dances and that I owed her $40.00. I will never go back. - Belfour, 04/05/2003
Sheiks is great. I've never had a better time working in my life. - CS, 01/16/2003
Sheik's was a disappointment! The only good thing was the comfortable seating. 20% of the women were pretty, 40% were average, and 40% were overweight. The stage was inaccessable, hard to see, and empty 50% of the time. Fully clothed lap dances were $20, and prices went up from there. The good looking women were monopolized by a few people with deep pockets. Not worth the $16 dollar two drink minimum. Go to Deja Vu! - Jacob, 10/05/2002
Sheik's was very classy - somewhat high presure. The women were gorgous, but no better than a few of the other top clubs in the twin cities. The major difference between Sheik's and the others - was the ritzy-ness or classy-ness of the place. The interior was as gorgeous as the women. - Mike, 03/03/2002
Sheik's Palace Royale will provide as much quality adult entertainment as anybody in the twin cities, but be prepared to pay for the privilege. Sheik's is the most upscale of the downtown adult clubs, catering mostly to the suit and tie crowd. If you're taking a client out to a strip club for a shot at a million dollar sale, Sheik's is the only place in the twin cities that has enough class. While the girls are friendly, there are other places in the twin cities where they are much more so, and at a lower price in a more relaxed atmosphere. So if you're showing off take your pals to sheiks, if not try a few other clubs downtown they may be more to your liking. - CW, 05/25/2000
the place recently changed hands. the place is a rip off! stay away!!! the waitress tries to get you buy things & the dancers the same & the "male floor/managers walkers" get girls to approach you & then report back to them! the place has gone down hill! try ricks which is close by -- better prices & the girls look good too! - bradpitt, 03/21/2007
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