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Good Life Lounge
636 Woodward

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Detail for Good Life Lounge : Bar
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I would like to no how must do you charge to have a party there? - HI, 03/17/2008
The Good Life Lounge is now under new management and is a great place to have business meetings during the week. - A Former Detroiter, 01/25/2007
The Good Life Lounge is now under new management and is a great place to have business meetings during the week. - A Former Detroiter, 01/25/2007
I love the Goodlife Lounge.. there is no other club that I rather go to in Detroit. There is great service, food and fun.. there are so many different people to meet.. and great music.. I bring friends all the time... this is a wonderful establishment! YOU GUY ROCK>>>> 4 real! .. Thanks for giving young Dertoiters a place to relax and have a hell of a lot of fun!!! XOXO Day - Dana, 08/02/2006
good life lounge is ghetto and dangerous place to be, someone very dear to me got jumped by 4 girls and they threw her (the victum )out and she got robbed in front of the bar by 10 young guys, there was a police report made and now there will be a lawsiut! good life has a terrible rep. I thank God that she was not hurt and I pray that they feel Gods wrath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - anonymous, 06/19/2006
Good Life Lounge - Clubbers, 12/03/2003
I, along with a group of friends went to Good Life in Detroit last weekend. Two of our friends, who are moving out west and happen to only live in Detroit for six months, picked this club to party at before they leave. Unfortuantly a group of guys were walking through the bar and pushed one of my friends, while laughing, 'move out of my way...' Just like anyone else, my friend commented back and next thing we knew this group of guys were throwing punches at everyone and in return an innocent guy, who tried to break up the fight got thrown out on the street with the guys who started the whole thing. Anyway to summarize, the owner, manager, doormen didn't do a thing to protect the PAYING customers. I know I will never go there again, and I know that everyone I have told will never spend a single cent there again. I recommend the people who are 'managing' this venue, get a clue, realize who is there to have a good time, spend money etc...and actually act like they care about their customers. - anonymous, 11/05/2003
I am very disappointed in the Good Life Lounge. On Saturday, Nov. 1 I was assaulted at the establishment, and security made no attempt to determine the guys name, his license plate number, nor call the police for a report. After the altercation, the owner made no attempt to listen to my concerns, or any concerns of the 9 friends I had with me; most of whom are members of Detroit's elite. Negative views will definitely be spread about the Good Life Lounge. My biggest question, why have security if they just let the assaulter walk out the front door? - Smith, 11/02/2003
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