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Hot Sam Pretzels
5 N Woodfield Mall

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Detail for Hot Sam Pretzels : Restaurant, American
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Loved Hot Sams as a kid!! Great memories of getting a pretzel with a choice of fabulous dips. Its hard to match, but I find the same taste and quality at Chicago Pretzels! Yumnmo! Check them out if you like Hot - Tigger, 05/18/2011
wow, this is great! I need help explaining to my teen age son about hot sam's and the "cheese sauce" coming to hot sam's. There was a time before cheese on preztel at hot sam's stands in malls. Or Am I that old? - Gene R., 03/23/2011
I am so excited to see that others miss Hot Sam as much as I do! I refuse to go to any other pretzel would be blasphemy. I see there is a Hot Sam in Chicago; so I will make the three hour trek there very happily to enjoy a Hot Sam with pizza sauce...on a stick, if they still do it that way! MMMMM... - A. Hartman, 08/11/2010
I used to LOVE Hot Sam and now nothing comes close. My top three were chocolate, nacho cheese and cream cheese. Yum! They would dip the pretzel horizontally into the hot sauces. - Kris from Chicago, 04/03/2010
I am from chicago but moved to kentucky in 1987 with two small children. we miss hot sams and dont have it here... i was told in larger towns there places but no hot sams.. if i ever win lotto lol i would love to open a chain?or if they would open one and let me run it here? thanks... job needed also. :-) merry christmas! 11/30/09 -, 11/30/2009
When I was a kid my sister worked for a Hot Sams i Quincy,Il My mom and I would pick her up from work. Sometimes if the gods were smiling she got to bring home the left overs! - momus, 08/12/2008
i worked for a hot sams in southern california{mission viejo mall] in cant find a better one these days............VIVA LA HOT SAMS! -, 04/04/2008
I called this one, and the number is a fax line. Is this one closed now? I read in 2005 that Mrs. Field's planned to eventually convert the last 10 Hot Sams into Pretzel Times. Did that happen? Are they all gone? - Bam Bam, 02/21/2008
I worked for a Hot Sam when I was 16 till about 20 and I am 32 now. I miss them to. I know that most of the Hot Sam Pretzels were bought out by Mrs. Fields and changed to Pretzel Time - Susan, 01/21/2008
Oh the longing I have endured since the store closed it's gates for the last time.... If only this pain would leave as the pain from my dead dog has.... Hot Sam - if you can hear me please come back to Buffalo NY, please i beg you!!!!!!!!! - Missin' Hot Pretzel Boy, 06/19/2006
I too have memories of a Hot Sam in the Richland Mall in Johnstown, PA. Iwas being a little nostalgic and did a search for some of the old stores that I miss so much and stumbled across your post. I would love to have a Hot Sam pretzel!!! - wicks90, 01/06/2006
Hot Sam used to be in our mall in Pekin, but has been gone for many years now, and some of the bigger malls in peoria, il have pretzels, but no hot sam, would like to see you come back to this area, no one else is the same - tara in pekin, illinois, 05/13/2003
Hot Sam has the absolute best pretzels I have ever tasted. There used to be one on our west side but its been gone for years. I'd love to get my hands on just one more before I die. Where have all the pretzels gone?? - Matt from Green Bay, 12/01/2000
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