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Uptown Theater
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Detail for Uptown Theater : Architecture
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In the process of being restored, this theatre is one of Chicago's old entertainment centers. - sys, 12/26/1999
Hi, This theater means so much to me...Being 47 yrs and seeing my favorite films here and the Riviera in my youth, I HOPE they can revive the Uptown...I only blame the entertainers today who would RATHER play one night at a 40,000 venue instead of a 3 or 4 day stand at a classier/smaller venue......A LOT to ask kids today?? Hope not! -, 02/28/2002
Now that the old Loop theaters have been restored (Chicago, Oriental, Palace), it's time to move to the Uptown. Think what it could do for the neighborhood (and also fixing up the Riviera while they're at it, it's in pretty sad shape) - Theseos, 02/08/2000
I just ran across this site by accident. I am glad to read that the theater is being restored. I stand at the bus stop just a couple doors south of the theater all the time and have often wondered why no one has taken an interest in restoring it. I didn't realize that renovation was going
on inside it. It would have been a crime, in my opinion, to have torn this landmark down. I hope that this will be the start of many renovations that restore Uptown to the great community that my grandparents and old film footage that I have seen on television have always said that it was years ago. While I have never been inside the theater, I have long admired the facade of this building, and I can only imagine how beautiful it must have looked on the inside before it was allowed to deteriorate. I am assuming that it will be restored for use as a movie theater, and I will look forward to attending movies there in the future. - Joe W., 09/26/1999
The uptown theater is a wonderful landmark. I walk pass it everyday and I think it's ashame that this fabolous buliding is in such condition. That's the reason I choosen to do a school project about the Uptown Theater, there's a lot of intersting facts about the Uptown Theater and how it helpped bulid the Uptown area to be
what it is right now. I hope the renovation of the Uptown Theater turns out sucessfully. - Linda n., 03/12/2003
My fondest memories are as a child. My brother and I used to walk to the theater on saturday afternoons to catch the childrens matinees in the late 60's. Imagine your kids bring able to walk blocks to a theater alone, and knowing they would be safe? Those days are gone. - mattew c falk, 02/21/2007
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