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Ukrainian National Museum
721 N Oakley

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Detail for Ukrainian National Museum : Museum
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The Ukrainian National Museum, located just south of Chicago Avenue on Oakley, houses a plethora of Ukrainian artifacts, artwork, musical instruments, and embroidered folk costumes among it's growing collection. Back when I was a kid the museum used to be housed on Chicago Avenue next to CYM. Today, the UNA is housed in a recently expanded building just a stone's throw away from the Ukrainian Cultural Center. Chicago is a melting pot of ethnicities from all around the world. Ukrainians are proud to say that they're a big part of what give's Chicago it's worldly 'flavor'. Recent census estimates show that there are about 150,000 Ukrainians in Illinois, with more than 50,000 in the immediate Chicago area. The UNM houses a great collection of artifacts that not only detail the life and culture of Ukrainians in the Motherland Ukraine, but also the pioneers who came to Chicago and established the Ukrainian Village and the Ukrainian Churches, Saturday Schools, Youth Organizations, and Professional organizations in the surrounding community. Come to the museum to experience the beauty of Ukraine's delicate crafts - the Pysanky (intricately dyed eggs), the Vyshytya (the painstakingly complex embroidry), the inlaid wood arts, scuplted Korovaij wedding breads and a plethora of other art forms. Learn more about the horrible tragedy of Chernobyl and the devistating Soviet imposed Holodymor Famine which took over 8,000,000 Ukrainian peasants lives betwen the years of 1932 and 1933. This museum is one the wonderful gifts the Ukrainian Community has given to the City of Chicago. All are welcome to enter it's doors and explore the great tradition and culture that is known to those who live in the Ukrainian Village as 'YKPAIHA' (Ukraine)! Museum Collection Includes 1,140 artifacts Traditional Folk Arts, Agricultural Tools, Artwork, Musical Instruments, Trophies & Miscellaneous Artifacts. All museum collection guides are in English. The Library Has 16,320 titles and includes Rare Books , Author Autographed Editions, Monographs on Émigré Communities, Contemporary Editions & Over 600 Periodicals and Newspapers The collection is classified in the language of publication, usually Ukrainian. The Archives Include material about Ukrainian communities, particularly in Chicago Ukrainian Performance Groups, National Youth Chapters, Veteran and Fraternal Organizations, Local Church Archives, 1933 Chicago World’s Fair Memorabilia, Personal Manuscripts of Civic Leaders & Large Photographic Collection Archival Material is indexed by subject. - Katya Mischenko-Mycyk, 08/19/2003
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